Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Synchronize Your Conscious Mind with Subconscious Mind for Success

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.” -Napoleon Hill

Human mind has two parts – conscious and subconscious mind. Both play a crucial role for functioning of human mind. The conscious mind is voluntary that you are aware and it goes by logic, analysis and reasoning. In contrast, the subconscious mind is involuntary. It is not known to you and you are unaware. It contains emotions, heart beat and breathing rate. When you look at your loved ones your emotions rise, heart beat increases. It happens due to your subconscious mind.

People with high emotions go by heart rather than the reasoning of mind. Especially when someone loves deeply, he does not go by any reasoning or logic. He just follows as he is emotionally attached with the opposite sex.

You can heal your disease through the power of your mind. It is your mind responsible for most of the illness. When you can conquer your mind then you can conquer your disease almost one-third.

Although subconscious mind is programmed from conscious mind, it is superior as it is the place for emotions and imagination. The motivational levels of people start from here only. Subconscious mind is like a magnet that immediately and instantly attracts the ideas that have emotional content. If you want to break your old habits you have to touch your subconscious mind first, then only it is easier to unlearn and learn. Unfortunately, most people fail to program their minds properly. The research from neuroscience reveals that subconscious mind controls 95 per cent of our daily activities.

People take decisions based on intuition and gut feeling which is nothing but taking decisions based on their subconscious mind. The conscious mind works with logic, analysis and perceptions. The subconscious mind is well framed and programmed from the inputs received from conscious mind. For instance, when someone hits a person, the latter immediately either defends or offends. It is basically because he reciprocates from his subconscious mind spontaneously. Simultaneously the conscious mind thinks of what to do next in given the situation.

During waking hours, the conscious mind works. While in sleeping hours, the subconscious mind comes to the fore. For instance, Susan was a housewife. She had the ability of instructing her subconscious mind when to wake up early in the morning. She never set clock but told herself firmly the time to get up. Her husband was so surprised over her programming the subconscious mind. She had the ability to influence her subconscious mind strongly. Susan was an alarm clock by herself. It indicates the power of subconscious mind.

When you learn new things your conscious mind will be fully alert. As the time passes, you get used to these things. That means your subconscious mind takes over in charge from your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like an autopilot.

The thoughts and the beliefs that you have in conscious mind will be transferred to subconscious mind automatically. For instance, if you sow right seeds in your conscious mind, you reap right plants in your subconscious mind. If you feed your mind with good thoughts that you can achieve anything and everything in your life, the same will go to your subconscious mind. In a nutshell, the conscious mind is the creator while the subconscious mind is the executor.

Susan and Ron:

“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” - Simone Weil

Ron and Susan worked in a same place. Susan was the senior most as she had been working in the company for the last 6 years. Ron was older to Susan with higher amount of experience in other companies. But he was the junior most in the organization. As per the organizational requirements, Ron had to work with Susan until he got grooved and groomed with in the system.

Ron initially hesitated with Susan who was younger but respected her intellectual and educational background and started working together. Susan was a polite and well mannered. She was bold and beautiful. She was a woman of principles and values. Ron began liking her behavior and worked together for six months. Ron began thinking deeply about Susan. He always took the positive aspects of Susan although a few commented that Susan was stubborn and a trouble maker for getting the things done. Since Ron was an independent thinker he began thinking of his own and started feeding positive information and inputs about Susan to his subconscious mind. Over a period of time, Ron began thinking deeply about her all the time and even in his dreams. Later on, Ron realized that he began loving Susan.

From the above story it becomes very clear about the importance of feeding subconscious mind with right inputs. If Ron fed wrong inputs about Susan in his subconscious mind, he would have developed hatred against her. Therefore, everything depends on how you think and how you program your subconscious mind. Never ignore the power of your subconscious mind.

Synchronize your Conscious and Subconscious Mind for Success:

“You are the most powerful magnet in the universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.” - Rhonda Byrne

Common people do not know the power of both conscious and subconscious mind. Only success people know the significance of both and leverage them. When there is right harmony between the both, there can be peace and success. When people feed themselves with negative thoughts, they end up with negative results. Rights inputs will lead to right outputs. When you program your mind with healthy and progressive thoughts regularly, over a period of time, you can achieve the desired changes in your life as your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like an obedient soldier who obeys the instructions from the conscious mind. It does not know the difference between good and bad. Whatever the orders passed by the conscious mind will be obeyed and executed. Therefore, make sure that your conscious mind gives the right orders to your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be compared with a vehicle which runs as per the directions of the driver. If your subconscious mind is a puppet then your conscious mind is the puppeteer. Therefore, learn to pull the strings effectively and efficiently for achieving all round success.

When teacher explains the subject repeatedly it goes deep within the subconscious mind of the students. Since subconscious mind does not go by logic and analysis, it goes purely by repetitive instructions. If students have to understand effectively then the teacher has to focus on key things repetitively. It is for these reasons; great speakers repeat the key ideas, points, and thoughts in different ways and means to get across the message.


You can be what you are if you can shape your subconscious mind through right commands from your conscious mind. Only with limited usage of our mind power we achieve many things. Imagine the amazing results when you can reap by using your mind fully. Do how many people put in their efforts to explore their mind power? It is only a few. Those who succeed in life are the people who know how to utilize their mind power fully.

Always dream big. When you dream big then imagination comes from your subconscious mind. When your dream is strong you will definitely achieve. Focus more on the strength of your dreams. When your strength of dreams is stronger then the reality of success would be sure and certain.

The End

Monday, March 30, 2009

Involvement of Emotions in Public Speaking - Prof.M.S.Rao

Any public speaking involves three dimensions such as perspiration, preparation and inspiration. It is necessary to do extensive research on the topic. Lot of energies and efforts are to be put in preparation of the content. Once content is well crafted, it requires basic ingredients and elements including emotions that would add value to public speaking.

When we look at public speaking, we recall the famous speeches of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago Conference, Winston Churchill during Second World War, Lincoln’s Gettysburg speech, Martin Luther King’s speeches and Pundit Nehru’s famous speech at the time of India’s independence. The speeches are famous and memorable even today because of the involvement of emotions. For any speech to be successful it is necessary to add emotions as it brings excitement among people.

Audience analysis is the first and foremost pre-requisite for effective public speaking. The profile, the maturity level, the geographical, cultural, linguistic and racial background of the audience will help the speaker to form a firm opinion about the needs of the audience. It helps in proper content preparation.

After assessing the audience analysis and preparing the content, the speaker has to prepare for the D-day. At the beginning of the speech, it is necessary to speak slowly as it helps in connecting with the audience easily. The speaker has to introduce himself, welcome the audience, introduce the topic briefly and proceed further. If possible, mugging up the introductory part helps in building self-confidence for the speaker. The speaker may also ask a thought provoking question to quickly connect with audience. Humor can also be used initially to break the ice and to quickly connect with audience. Besides, usage of technology can also help to create initial impact and impression among the audience.

Once the rapport has been built then it is time to focus on vocal inflexion. By lowering and raising the voice during public speaking, the audience will get energized and do not get into monotony. The content can be carried forward effectively by balancing three elements like body animation, vocal animation and facial animation. Body language plays a crucial role for successful public speaking. Right postures convey right signals to the audience. Wherever it is required, it is desirable to observe silence for a moment. It helps the audience to applaud and also helps them to anticipate the next content.

When the topic is coming to close, then it is the time to indicate through messages like ‘finally’, ‘in conclusion’ or ‘at the end’ to the audience. It brings the public speaking close to the end successfully. Finally, thank the audience at the end for their time and support.

In a nutshell, for a successful public speaking analyze your audience, prepare the content accordingly, introduce yourself confidently, deliver the content naturally, focus on content with emotions and summarize at the end.

The End

Five Stages for Success - Prof.M.S.Rao

Success is the seven letter word excites all of us. But everyone cannot reach it. Only a few can reach it. Why is it so? Is there any magic wand for the successful people?

Success is the confluence of several ingredients such as passion, vision, mission, execution and feedback. Whenever you want to achieve something in your life, you must know what you love the most i.e. passion. Passion is like spark brewing in the heart and, if ignited, it becomes an inferno. Passion is closely connected to more of heart than mind. It is more of chemistry than physics. Passion does not settle for less. It wants more. It doesn’t sleep. It keeps you on toes. It makes you restless. It excites you. It is a typical scenario where it makes you highly focused and task oriented.

Mere doing the things just because others have done and successful will not work out. It ends up in a fiasco. What is required is to find out what touches your heart the most. What are the areas of interest that drives you and gives you a kick for moving ahead? Most of the people successful in the world are basically passionate in what they did. They did what comforted them. They did what brought joy while doing. They tapped their inner talents. They discovered their hidden strengths. They carried forward their raw abilities ruthlessly.

The second successive ingredient for success is vision. It clearly tells you where to go in your life. It reminds you of your present status in life. It directs you in a specific direction based on your passion. Most of the successful people are visionaries. They know what they want in their lives. They set their directions properly and moved ahead successfully.

The third ingredient for achieving success is mission. It tells you how to go. Once the direction has been set, the mission unveils the methods, tools and techniques involved in following the desired direction. It reminds of the resources that are essential for following your path to success. It is at this stage of journey towards success, you have to put constant efforts and energies. It is equally necessary to equip the skills and abilities needed for achieving success.

The fourth ingredient toward success is execution. It is the toughest task. It is easier said than done. There will be number of practical bottlenecks that hinder the path to success. There are both internal and external forces and factors contribute towards execution. The internal factors can be easily managed as things are very much within human control. Self-discipline, self-motivation, hard work, perseverance, determination and grit will play a crucial role. The external environmental factors which are beyond human control can disturb and divert your path towards success. A few call these as fate. Few call the same as luck. It can either make or break you as a successful person. People who have high locus of control don’t believe in destiny. These people strongly feel that their destiny is in their hands. They try to control the external environment as far as possible. If they are not able to manage and face setbacks during the process, they pursue their execution with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

The last ingredient for achieving success is taking feedback. It is a review process where in they look at how far they reached their goals and objectives. If they failed to reach why did they fail? How to overcome the failures and what remedial measures can be taken to pursue the path towards success. It is the status to check the performance.


The road to success is not a cakewalk. It requires lot of struggles and sacrifices. To sum up, you need to be passionate in whatever you undertake. You have to set out your goals and objectives which becomes vision. You set out a clear path or roadmap towards your success and that is known as mission. Mere words won’t pay you but deeds play a crucial role for ensuring success which is execution. And last but not the least, it is equally necessary to take stock of the situation periodically for remedial and corrective action which is known as feedback. When all these ingredients are effectively integrated, success would touch your toes.

The End

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Assertiveness for Conflict Management

“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.” - Sharon Anthony Bower

Assertiveness is much talked about topic at the corporate world where conflicts arise for lack of assertion skills. People often confuse aggressiveness with assertiveness. In fact, it is not so. Assertiveness is the art of saying ‘No’ without hurting others and without compromising one’s rights. It is the art of saying ‘No’ politely but firmly. Assertiveness indicates ‘I am ok and you are ok’. In contrast, aggressiveness represents ‘I am ok but you are not ok’ and submissiveness describes ‘I am not ok but you are ok’. Of all the three situations, it is assertiveness that pays off well in the long run where in the person can lead a conflict-free and successful life. In a nutshell, assertiveness is a kind of win-win situation where all are comfortable in communication.

Research reveals that 80 per cent of the work related problems are the result of improper communication. Assertiveness is again an integral of effective communication. When people communicate with assertion the message can be carried forward properly, positively and peacefully without compromising the rights of people involved. It is for these reasons, companies conduct training sessions related to assertiveness so that employees can reap the benefits out of it and function smoothly and successfully.

Leaders like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill are the symbols of assertiveness. They succeeded as leaders as they never compromised with their principles and equally respected that of others. Martin Luther King fought for the rights of Blacks in America, Mahatma Gandhi brought freedom to India through non-violence and Winston Churchill was instrumental in winning the Second World War through affirmative communication. Therefore, assertiveness is one of the pillars for effective leadership.

Assertiveness for Managing Conflicts:

For managing conflicts, people respond in different ways. Few people avoid or withdraw from conflict as they lack confidence. At times, they do not want to hurt or strike back. As a result, they suffer silently. Few people believe in striking back with aggression. It is a kind of tit for tat scenario. Finally, few people think coolly, logically and make others to understand the situation from multiple perspectives. And they are assertive people. As people are different in nature, their approaches towards conflict are also different.

In a nut shell, in submissive style, people tend to avoid conflict and suffer the pain silently. In aggressive style, people tend to inflict pain on others by being indifferent to others. While in assertion styles people empathize with others and strike a fine balance by respecting others as well as by protecting themselves.

When people are suppressed for a long time, they build and develop volcano like situation and explode after some time. It is basically because they failed to assert their ideas, views and rights for a long time. Such submission affects their health and mental status and leads to depression at times. On the contrary, when people constantly dominate and dictate others unmindful of the others’ sentiments, views and ideas, they will be disliked by others. Such aggressive people often resort to conflicts everywhere. They are threat to corporate peace and harmony. These people demonstrate negative body language.

How to Assert Yourself?

• Don’t get influenced by others’ opinions. Try to look at the individuals and issues objectively and unbiased from your own perception.
• Accept if you have made a mistake. To err is human. Accepting the same reflects your magnanimity. It projects you in a better light.
• Learn the art of saying ‘No’ politely. Practice is the key.
• Analyze your own body language. There will be few cues from your body language sending signals unconsciously and negatively. Try to correct the same by taking feedback from experts and well-wishers.
• Avoid boasting yourself as it sends your aggressive tendencies resulting into strained relations with others.
• When you praise, highlight a specific behavior that touched you. And praise immediately. When you criticize, emphasis on a particular behavior that disturbed so that other person takes the same positively and constructively. And don’t attack the individual. Finally don’t criticize when you are in anger.


It is not conflict but cooperation that pays people finally. Assertiveness plays a crucial and key role for cooperation at the corporate world. It is time people realized the importance and significance of assertion skills. It is the base for building leadership qualities. History has proved time and again that it is not ‘might’ but ‘right’ succeeded at the end. Assertiveness is the key to survive and succeed at the corporate world as it minimizes conflicts and maximizes productivity for better organizational excellence.

The End

Please Don’t Read This….. Prof.M.S.Rao

“Never look who is right and wrong. Always look what is right and wrong.” – Prof.M.S.Rao

When you look at individuals there will be involvement of egos and emotions. On the contrary, when you look at the issues there will be no individual preferences and prejudices. Better judgment prevails.

Susan was working in a multinational company in India as an Human Resource (HR) Manager. Her role was to recruit the candidates for the company and to ensure smooth functioning of office administration. She was a smart worker and built a reputation for herself from superiors by working for six years. The top management also respected and consulted her on several occasions. She did not talk to anyone unnecessarily at the work place and she meant business. She was 33 years old. She was bold and beautiful. She was polite and well mannered. She was a woman with strong character. But she was stubborn by nature. She disliked office politics.

Ron joined in the same company who was hard working and was yet to prove his abilities and establish his credentials. Prior to joining this organization, he had 18 years of industry experience in several companies and he was 39 years old. As per the rules of the company, Ron had to work with Susan initially. He was a hard worker and rose from ranks. He learnt bitter lessons in his life and knew the value of life. But he was adamant by nature. Both Ron and Susan respected each other and had been working together.

Susan was introvert, by nature, and hardly mingled with other employees. At the same time, she never kept ill will against anybody. She was a principled woman having exposure to outside world. She was combination of education, intellect and beauty with grace which was a rare combination. She was good at heart and helpful. Seeing the close and cordial relations between Susan and Ron, a few people working in the office felt jealousy. Since Susan never socialized with others and her cordial relations with Ron upset a few of their colleagues.

Ron also never socialized with anyone as he believed in his office work although he was an extrovert by nature. Ron initially moved closely with a colleague by name John. But John started speaking ill of Susan to Ron which Ron did not like. Gradually Ron distanced himself away from John who tried to settle his scores with Susan as they worked together in the past. Ron was basically an independent thinker and never listened to others and he followed his heart rather than looking things from the mind of others. Ron did not appreciate negative things being talked by John against Susan whom he respected at the core.

Ron’s gelling with Susan in a friendly manner upset a few and especially two female colleagues. They tried to create rift between them by talking ill of Susan with Ron. Ron never liked to entertain negative people and was totally against office politics. Since the plan failed to work, they attempted to poison the mind of Susan who initially resisted the same. But over a period of time, Susan stopped talking to Ron and the latter did not know the reasons but Ron sensed some problem. However he began interacting with Susan with the same spirit to keep the things going on smoothly. Since Susan began neglecting Ron, he also began concentrating on work and avoided Susan totally except whenever there was need for official interaction and communication.

In fact, Susan touched the subconscious mind of Ron. As a result, Ron began thinking about Susan frequenlty and deeply. Ron was not able to concentrate on his work properly. For Ron, Susan was the second woman to enter in his life and the first woman was his wife.

At heart, Ron was thankful to Susan as she helped him to groove within the system. He developed admiration towards her but never revealed to others at the workplace even to Susan. In fact, Susan touched the heart of Ron.

One day, Susan told Ron to collect resumes from the candidates who came in for walk-in interview. Ron got up from his cubicle and asked her whether to give the same to Senior Manager. She said, “Yes”. Ron was energetic by nature; he rushed immediately to get the resumes and collected from the candidates. Subsequently, Ron rushed to the Senior Manager and handed over the resumes and chatted with him for some time.

Susan who was waiting outside the Senior Manager’s cabin took Ron to nearby room with anger and shouted at him. Both had heated conversation for some time.

Susan questioned Ron, “Who told you to hand over the resumes to Senior Manager?”

Ron replied, “When I asked you, you told to hand over to Senior Manager. Therefore, I handed over to him.”

Susan shouted, “You rushed inside the room. But I told you to hand over to Jim.”

Ron said, “You told me to hand over to Senior Manager. Therefore, I handed over the same.” And he added, “Why do you make it a big issue?”

Susan shouted, “You did not listen properly and your behavior is not good”.

Ron did not want to hurt her and asked, “Ok! Tell me in which way my behavior is bad? And I will change my behavior.” And he added further, “You keep something else in your heart and talk something else outside. I don’t like this. I am straightforward. I respect you a lot from the core of my heart. But every time, you listen to negative people and rush to wrong conclusions about me.”

Susan said, “Stop talking all that! Next time don’t repeat like this.”

Ron pacified, “Ok! I will not do like this. But it all happened due to your miscommunication and let us close the issue here itself.”

Susan cooled down her temper and said, “Now you go outside the room.”

Ron left the room puzzled, shocked and it was first time in his life a woman took him to task for none of his mistakes. But since he respected Susan at the core of his heart he didn’t like to hurt her in any way.

Outside the room, a few office friends asked Ron to find out what had happened. He did not reveal what really happened inside the room as he was basically a confidential person by nature.

After some time, Ron called Susan telephonically and explained his stand that things went wrong due to improper communication. And he apologized her for the incident. Susan said that she was in a position to take action against him but said that she would not initiate any action against him. Ron asserted that he was not bothered for any kind of action but more worried if Susan was hurt.

The issue depressed Ron for many days as he failed to analyze where he went wrong. He was not worried about the incident but more worried as he liked Susan very much. Ron kept internalizing her and thinking of Susan all the time. It disturbed his peace and sleep. He tried to communicate the same with Susan number of times but the latter never gave such an opportunity.

After reading this, please post your valuable comments directly on the blog itself:

Was it a conflict?
If it was a conflict, what led to this conflict?
Was it due to miscommunication?
Was it due to improper communication of Susan?
Was it due to lack of understanding of Ron?
Was it due to clash of egos?
Who was responsible for this conflict - Susan or Ron?
Was there anything hidden between these two personalities?
Did the real issues come up or anything still hidden between them?
Was there any role of third person for this rift?
Was the conflict worth calling for attention?
Who was wrong?
What were the other hidden reasons?

The author invites your own comments.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Is All About Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process of converting prevailing problems into profitable solutions. It requires huge appetite on the part of the entrepreneurs to convert threats into opportunities. It needs the skills and abilities to minimize risks and maximizes returns. It calls for extraordinary courage to work under uncertainty and complexity.

Entrepreneurship is confluence of three skills such as technical skills, business management skills and entrepreneurial skills. All these skills focus on communication, human relations, environmental scanning, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling, directing, risk-taking, innovation, passion, persistence and perseverance.

Any entrepreneurship requires four players basically where entrepreneurs are actors, angel investors are producers, mentors are the directors and the fourth players are customers.

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

People often debate whether entrepreneurs are born or made. It is always the problems that lead to prospects. When faced with uncertainly and complexity in life, people risk themselves and find out the solutions for the existing problems. For instance, Ross Perret who worked in IBM found out several solutions for processing of data and attempted to sell to IBM. After rejection from IBM, Ross Perret set up enterprise and sold it for handsome amount. As necessity is the mother of invention, human mind explores and experiments only when there is a necessity. Most of the successful entrepreneurs in the world are self-made and are not born as entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is more of skill rather than talent. Skills can be acquired while talents are inborn. It is for these reasons the educational institutions are encouraging entrepreneurship as a discipline in their curriculum. Therefore, it can be firmly said that entrepreneurs are not born but made out of necessity and out of fire in their belly.

Characteristics of Entrepreneurs:

They are highly passionate and pursue their dreams till end. They treat themselves like round the clock workers. They have strong business acumen and are die hard optimists. They never give in and never give up. Yet they are flexible and adaptable. They know ‘where to go’ and delegate and deploy their team in ‘how to go’. They have higher levels of energy and enthusiasm. And last but not the least, they are highly motivated and focused.

Role of Entrepreneurs:

They should be conflict managers and trouble shooters. They should be able to link both internal and external environment of enterprise to accomplish organizational goals. They must be able to oversee and interlink several functions of human resources, finance, production, operations, marketing through big picture. They should know the knack of handling investors, bankers, suppliers, clients and bureaucrats. In a nutshell, they must be all-rounder.

Recession and Entrepreneurship:

During steady and consistent growth, people will be in their comfort zones and don't think of changing and reinventing themselves. Right now, recession is a right opportunity to explore and experiment entrepreneurial instincts. Huge opportunities are waiting where in people need to do extensive research in finding out the needs of the others with changing times and with changing consumer preferences and filling the same innovatively.

Recession is also an opportunity where less number of people dare to enter into entrepreneurial ventures. There will be least traffic towards this area. The strong and bold who have vision can enter, as things are available cheaper rates such as labor and raw materials are available at cheaper prices. Once the enterprise is set up at this recessionary period, then it can gain rapid momentum when economy is in full swing.

Reasons for Entrepreneurial Failures:

For any business to survive, the cash flow has to be smooth. The business must go on and on. The marketing must be strong to cater to the needs of the consumer. When there is no adequate revenue generation then the cash flow gets affected, the business may collapse. When the rate of interest is higher, most of the profits can be eaten away by the interest resulting into loses. There is continuous need for innovation. It is basically not because of competition that the companies have to innovate but also to stay ahead, it is desirable to constantly and continuously resort to innovation. When there is failure in this front, the chances of debacle are higher side.

Inadequate access to information may result into improper judgment thus leading to wrong decisions. Lack of teamwork leads to lack of cooperation among the founding members and that may result into collapse of enterprise. Adjusting to luxurious life just because the enterprise has taken off well in the initial stage itself on the part of new entrepreneurs may prove to be costly for business. To put it finally, overambitious attitude, overconfidence and miscalculation of entrepreneurs may doom the prospects of an enterprise.


Entrepreneurship is not for faint hearted. It is purely meant for brave hearted. It requires lot of struggles and sacrifices to make things happen. It is a trial by fire scenario. If everything goes on well, the entrepreneurs come out with flying colors. Or else, they would end up in a fiasco.

Geographically small countries like Finland, Germany, Britain, Japan, Korea have produced several successful entrepreneurial giants. Just imagine a country like India with a billion plus population should produce number of entrepreneurs?

The End

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is Recession An Opportunity for Entrepreneurship?

The global recession has thrown several challenges to world economy. With the collapse of Leyman Brothers, an investment banker, there is jittery across the world to overcome the challenges of slowdown. Is it an opportunity or a threat for entrepreneurship? Let us find out.

Every economy is like a cycle where there will be peaks and troughs. The present situation is a reflection where we are heading for trough. It is a matter of time to recover the scenario to set for peak. Whenever any economy is overheated it needs cooling off. Like a human body needs a breathing space after a long marathon, the economy also needs fresh oxygen to set into motion further.

It all depends on the mindset of the people how they view the present scenario. The situation is not as bleak as depicted by media. No doubt, there are challenges for changes in the present economy trends and policies. When we recall the Great depression started in America, it comes to our notice that many companies evolved during such tough times. Sam Walton grew in America during the great depression. He sold newspapers to support his family. He developed the right attitude to handle customers. He learnt the psyche and pulse of the customers. Subsequently he started his retail venture Wal-Mart. Financial hardships toughened and taught him many lessons. It paid him off in his later life evolving as a retail giant. Similarly the Second World War brought massive destruction to mankind but led to several inventions and innovations resulting into comforts and luxuries to mankind. The current global meltdown has not adversely affected India as of now but the pinch of it will be felt shortly. But it provides several opportunities to set up enterprises at this time and a few them evolving as entrepreneurial giants like the Sam Walton.

In the past also, the dotcom bust of 2000 led to setting up several internet companies resulting into huge success as on today. Companies like Hyatt, FedEx, GE, Hewlett-Packard in overseas and companies like Wipro BPO and Mindtree in India were born in a slowdown. Besides, Spectramind was born during the peak of dotcom bust in 2000.


Current meltdown is an opportunity for entrepreneurship. Management guru CK Prahalad says, “The poor represent an opportunity, a source for innovation”. Majority of Indians live in villages and there are 6, 00,000 villages where huge potential is lying untapped. Indian rural market is like a sleeping giant and if woken up and tapped properly it opens the floodgates for consumer demand. Hitherto, companies focused on urban market buoyed by the swing of IT, ITeS and knowledge sectors. It is time to shift the focus and tap rural Indian market by providing tailor made products and services. Besides, there are several other sectors which were neglected and untapped till now due to the quick gains from Knowledge sectors.

Recession and Entrepreneurship:

According to Prathap C Reddy Chairman, Apollo Hospitals, “3Ps – purity of purpose, patience and persistence – are needed to succeed in India.” And he adds that “Entrepreneurs must aim for ideas that impact the lives of others, and are accessible to all.”

Do you like to control your destiny or allow others to control your destiny? If you want to control your destiny and are a brave hearted then entrepreneurship is the right answer.
Recession is an excellent opportunity for the laid off people who hitherto had been in their comfort zones. They need to reinvent themselves, explore and experiment entrepreneurship and evolve as entrepreneurs. Since laid off people took a spin in the orbit as employees their experience and expertise can be utilized up to the hilt for reinventing themselves as successful entrepreneurs.

Talent is cheaper and the opportunity costs are relatively lower during recession. Look at the existing gaps in products and services through extensive research and then proceed setting up the business plan for execution. Recession will change consumer preferences. The start ups should smell the changing preferences and evolve business plans accordingly for viability and feasibility. In this process, they can approach the experts in the domain for their comments and feedback on the business plan. They may also take a mentor who charges nominally who guides and glides to smooth entrepreneurship. The mentors are experienced and will tell the intricacies and issues involved in setting up business. They will tell the nuances of entrepreneurship.

Mentoring for Entrepreneurs:

“Mentoring is not about popularity. The mentor’s crucial role is to question, to push back, and to open the recipient’s mind to alternate possibilities.” Says Nandan Nilekani, Co-chairman, Infosys.

Mentors are directors, angels are producers and entrepreneurs are actors. And consumers are the people who take benefits of entertainment out of this entire entrepreneurship. For the success of any enterprise, it is necessary to have a mentor who is experienced and who shares his practical experience and knowledge with budding entrepreneurs and who shows the right path for successful ventures. A right mentor builds skills, abilities and moulds the right attitudes for entrepreneurial success. Whenever the entrepreneur faces problems the mentor comes out with solutions based on his experience and expertise. You can not become crack shot unless you lose ammunition. Here is the mentor who has become a crack shot by losing lot of ammunition.


Entrepreneurship is the process of providing profitable solutions to the prevailing problems. Finding out the need and filling the same is the most challenging aspect of entrepreneurship. Identify the triggers for the projects, check for feasibility, look for availability of all resources, think out of the box and proceed. Start in a small way and test your waters. But dream big and have firm convictions that you will succeed as an entrepreneur. Build a strong team. Look at the big picture and keep your safety net ready. Be passionate, persevere and persistent till the end.

It is very unfortunate that India with a billion plus population could not produce proportionate number of entrepreneurs. Where as small countries like Finland, Germany Britain have produced entrepreneurial giants. It is time Indian government took serious note of the scenario to make the Indian economic environment entrepreneurial friendly to reap benefits out of recession.

The End

Monday, March 23, 2009

Is Recession A Financial Tsunami?

P Chidambaram, former Finance Minister of India said, "The world economy in many countries are indeed already in recession or facing recession India is no where near recession we are affected by the slowdown in global growth."
Mother of all recessions has started from USA with the collapse of businesses like Leyman Brothers and Real Estate in Germany. The economy which hitherto overheated is showing signs of cooling down causing reverberations across the world. How long will it continue is a matter of debate. Pessimists say that it may take more than two years; optimists say that it may take only a year and the realists assert that it may take 2 years to come out this threat.
Second World War brought lot of destruction to mankind. It also ruined the world economy. But it resulted into several technological innovations that brought comforts to mankind. Similarly the current meltdown will bring fruits to mankind in several ways although there will be pain for some time. But the pain is worth bearing to enjoy the fruits.

Indian Scenario:

More or less, all sectors have been hit by slowdown. Real estate and IT and ITeS sectors are badly hit. Fortunately few sectors in India have not been hit such as banking, food sector etc., The RBI has been stringent in its regulation and it has helped to overcome meltdown in the banking sector. Currently there is decline in exports in agriculture and food processing sectors which is matter of grave concern. However, good monsoon can check the slowdown.

Current Scenario:

Organizationally speaking recession is a threat for scroungers not a threat for workaholics. Rather workaholics are a threat to recession. Recession separates between men and boys. It differentiates between chaff and grain. It clearly focuses who are the real performers and non-performers. Non-performers wake up! It is time to mend their ways or else they will be fired. Recession is a wake up call for non-performers.

Companies are now looking for silly reasons to fire the people in the name of indiscipline. In fact, it is not due to indiscipline or lack of performance but because of recession. It is a retrograde step and brings down the image of the organizations.

Indian IT and ITeS sectors have been badly hit due to current meltdown. In the past, they were offering services at lower charges to American and European clients and generating revenues. The impact of American recession has played havoc in the India’s Knowledge sectors. The services sector has been hit hard. Below are few do’s during recession.

Dos during Recession:

• Always be productive.
• Show results to your boss.
• Develop new skills and abilities.
• Start networking.
• Open your communication channels.
• Think out of the box.
• Look for home based business.
• Stick to your deadlines.
• Keep cash ready.
• And last but not the least, stay committed and focused.

Merits of Recession:

Recession builds bridges among the families who until now have been separated by barriers due to work pressures. It connects people emotionally. It checks attrition. It provides breathing space to the tired people. It takes out the pressure and injects pleasure for the people.

Don’t Flight But Fight:

Recession is not new and we have faced several times in the past and survived. We would survive this time also. With the growing technology the media is highlighting recession too much thus worsening the situation further. Recession is existing but not as much as it is being overplayed.

Taming the Financial Tsunami:

Ajim Premji said global recession has offered a "huge opportunity" and would "spring-clean" those organizations which have become complacent through "excessive success" .

If required accept pay cuts, don’t risk the existing job. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. This is the time to lie low for a while not to rise when odds are stacked against you. Cut down unwanted expenses. Spend only what is bare necessity. Take a relook at your expenses. Write down and find out the areas that could be cut to sit on cash. It is time to differentiate between needs and wants. Wants are unlimited while needs are basic requirements. Focus on needs not wants for time being.

Innovative measures to cut down expenses and enhance productivity. Unconventional and out of the box thinking approach is essential. There should be insurance coverage for recession as well.

It is time the corporate reinvent their strategies to tackle recession. They need to develop leadership potential at the senior level to prevent such crises in future. Look at the products and projects that are not paying you off and prune the same effectively. Focus on R&D and find out the new ways and means to provide innovative products and services.


Recession is the result of top leadership taking the things for granted. It is time they correct their mistakes and take remedial measures to set the house in order. The US government is taking measures to check the recession through stimulus packages. The Indian government should tailor such stimulus packages to tackle the slow down.

Let us also know the fact that tough times either bring you to your knees or raise you to new heights. It all depends on your mindset and the resilience. When viewed from positive perspective it will take you to next higher orbit if you can spot and utilize the opportunities. Tough times don’t indicate an end but a bend in your life. Tough times may tumble you but ultimately humble you at the core.

The End

Teacher and Student

Every parent wants their child to be great. Every teacher wants his students to become great. Every root delivers fruit. But what is common among all these examples is that all are torchbearers and show light. They guide and glide from nowhere to somebody.

The root of a tree can not eat its fruits but it helps others enjoying the fruits. It enjoys when someone eats its fruits and derives a great joy and happiness. Its role is to have a strong foundation so that it can sustain for longer time in providing fruits for others. In our daily life, we find a few people who remain as root but share their fruits to others and deriving immense pleasure out of it. These people remain as a source of inspiration and motivation for others to dream big and achieve greater heights.

Similarly teachers enjoy in giving out their knowledge and wisdom to students. They feel proud when their students reaching tipping point. The teachers can not reach tipping point but they encourage and educate their students reaching the same. They enjoy in shaping the career and lives of their students.

Every parent wants their child to grow and successful. They provide character and confidence in their child which are the foundation for success. They do not expect anything from their child except love and affection.

There are people who would love to share their knowledge with others as they enjoy others’ growing. It is like a candle providing light for others and getting melted during the process. And there is immense pleasure in getting melted as they provide light for others as long as they are alive.

The End

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Did America Catch Cold?

Much long ago, Nobel Laureate, Joseph E Stiglitz predicted that “The U.S. economy is already in recession -- and may echo the 1930s”.

The fear of recession is worse than the real recession and the same has arrived in America. Besides, it has spread to the entire world thus creating apprehensions. It seems whenever America catches cold the entire world sneezes. So is the case of recession. With the America being the global leader and major player, the rest of the world is worried about the impact of recession.


Failure of financial institutions in America has further worsened the economic crisis throwing America into deep recession. With the collapse of Leyman Brothers and a few financial institutions that are in the shaky ground, it looks that much worse is yet to come. The reasons for the present crisis are many. Lack of transparency at the corporate world, greed of few top people, irresponsibility and failure of leadership at the higher level resulted into the current meltdown.

The former President Bush failed to check the fall of the American economy and the blame lies with him. Now the ball has fallen into the court of Barack Obama and the world is waiting and watching him closely how he along with his team would manage the situation.


Second World War brought lot of destruction to mankind. It also ruined the world economy. But it resulted into several technological innovations that brought comforts to mankind. Similarly, the current meltdown will bring fruits to mankind in several ways although there will be pain for some time. But the pain is worth bearing to enjoy the fruits.


The word ‘recession’ is on everyone’s lips. What are we doing? Let us stop talking and start doing something to tackle recession. Society as a whole has to hold the hands of the affected people arising out of recession. Combat the current crisis with mettle. Let us put our heads together to come out. Let us look at ideas rather than issues and events. It is not the time to blame any individuals except to churn out ideas from coming out of the current crisis.

We cannot expect American economy to have robust growth in the prevailing scenario. However, we can expect the same in the near future. There is a need for business acumen at top leadership to tide over the present economic crisis. Need for innovation, training for leadership development at the middle and senior level is necessary. Innovation is the key to survival in this world. Whenever faced with problems, it is desirable to think out of the box for solving the problems.

There has to be fine balance between savings and spending. Savings is essential to meet a rainy day. Spending is essential to ensure demand for production. Unless the demand is created, the goods or services can not be produced. Once spending starts then the demand rises and production starts and employment opportunities will grow and money circulation takes place.

America should not rest of its past laurels just because it had several inventions to her credit. The fact is that past achievements cannot be taken granted for future leadership. America should reinvent with the changing global scenario and should play the role of a ceremonial head or a father figure to find solution to recession. If recession is not handled properly then there is a threat to American leadership. For rest of the countries in the world, strong American economy means strong global economy.

It is obvious that the American economy is bottoming out and it would bounce back. It is a matter of time. We are witnessing the greatest economic challenge. We would come out it successfully as it is only a temporary setback with several lessons to policy makers and leaders.


Tough times either bring you to your knees or raise you to new heights. It all depends on your mindset and the resilience. When viewed from positive perspective it will take you to next higher orbit if you can spot and utilize the opportunities. Tough times don’t indicate an end but a bend in your life. Tough times may tumble you but finally humble you at the core.

One thing is certain and sure in the prevailing world that if the global economy has to survive the American economy has to thrive. It is time for America to take tough decisions. If required, Americans should struggle and sacrifice their comforts and luxuries to make the America fundamentally strong.

The End

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Win Your Customers in the Banking Sector?

“The cost of acquiring a new customer is 10 times the cost of selling to a current customer” – Harvard Business Review

Provide information to customers. Many customers are not aware of the benefits to be derived from banks. Customer literacy is the key to make them understand and win them. Provide the facilities that are customer friendly and the features that are customer enabled. For instance, Andhra Bank started biometric access to ATM banking wherein the customers can have access to their accounts through finger prints.

Provide kiosks in key business and floating areas to attract customers. Focusing on relationship building would pay off. It is always good to be polite with customers. It is necessary to smile and serve as it would break the ice with your customers. Gauging the individual customer needs is the need of the hour. There has to be flexibility in redesigning and modifying the marketing mix as per the customer requirements.

Marketing Vs Selling

People often confuse between marketing and selling. Here are a few features that distinguish between marketing and selling.

Marketing is the process of bringing services and goods to the market. In contrast, selling is when something very ‘close to a sale’ to a prospective customer takes place. Selling is subset of marketing. Marketing is broader concept where 4 Ps are involved product, place, promotion and price. Marketing promotes relationship while selling may not promote. Marketing involves more of branding while selling may not. Marketing involves more of the products a company offers while selling involves more of products that provide value to customers.

Selling is product oriented while marketing is customer oriented. Selling is stock oriented where in the objective is to push the stocks for liquidity in few cases. In contrast, marketing is profit oriented.

There is a strategy involved in marketing while in selling nothing much of strategy. And last but not the least; selling is producer-centric while marketing is customer centric.