Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Study Skills for Students - From Prof.M.S.Rao

“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.” - Francis Bacon

Students spend most of their time in preparing for classes, examinations and acquiring knowledge on various subjects. Many of them don’t know how to put smart work. In contrast, they put in their hard work and struggle a lot to understand and grasp their academic content. They put in quantitative rather than qualitative efforts resulting into wastage of time as well as getting concerned over the results. Right study skills will help them to emerge and evolve as successful students.

What are study skills?

The methodology of planning and preparing for studying either in academic or non-academic activities for assimilation of the content for better analysis, application and practice can be called study skills. It is obvious that no two people study in a similar manner. Everyone has a unique way of preparation and methodology towards study skills. It is also an admitted fact that what works for one may not work for another.

Study skills are different from academic skills. While study skills are forever the academic skills are for short term. In addition, academic skills end the day academic life ends where as the study skills end the day the life ends.

SQ3R Technique:

SQ3R is the acronym for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. It is a tool that helps in enhancing your study skills. According to this method, the reader has to survey the overall broad picture about the content to be studied. The reader has to question about the takeaways out of the study from the available content as it helps in better focusing. While reading it is essential to look for the key concepts and key words from which the meaning of the entire content in a given context can be learnt. Reciting what was read will help in retaining the content for longer time. Finally, the reader has to review what was read. It is like looking and checking for takeaways. The SQ3R is an excellent method that helps in effective study skills.


The study skills help in optimum utilization of time for assimilating and absorbing the content. Every individual has unique learning style. Being strong at study skills will help in better understanding, grasping and retaining the content. It develops and promotes mental faculties. Being good at study skills promotes smart work. It promotes competitive advantages over others.

How to hone your study skills?

Some people are auditory learners as they learn well by listening. Some people are visual learners as they learn well by seeing. However, we also find people learning through interactive learning. You may find out which category of learner you are as it enables you to effective study skills. Below are the tips for honing study skills.

1. Always study in a serene place where you don’t find distractions. Selection of the study place is equally important. Avoid being surrounded by people who talk negative things like gossips, rumors, criticism, and always talking ill of others. It not only diverts your mind from study but also fills with negative information.
2. Study when you have the mood to study. i.e. Check your biological clock. If you are a morning man, study during morning time for better grasping.
3. Take breaks during study as it gives your brain rest. It helps in better concentration, rejuvenation, understanding and grasping of the content.
4. Don’t cram. Learn to understand first rather than mugging up the content. When the content is well understood it can be presented in your own language as you know the content thoroughly since you did not cram.
5. Admit the fact is that short pencil is better than a long memory. Take notes wherever and whenever necessary.
6. Preparing the subject which is ahead of lecture will help in asking the right questions to the teacher. It also helps you to prepare yourself mentally to attend the class attentively. It enhances your listening and attentive skills in the classroom. It sends right signals to the lecturer for conducting an effective class.
7. Don’t dribble away your precious time during your study. Learn to manage your time effectively and efficiently.
8. If the content is big, break it into small chunks and allot time slot for each chunk. If you find that specific chunk is difficult to understand then select your style of reading and mood at which you can learn well and allot more time to understand and assimilate. Always allocate your priority of time for the difficult portions so that you can decode the complicated content.


Study skills are essential for everyone including students, teachers and professionals. Parents and teachers have a crucial role to play in enhancing study skills among children. Right planning, preparation and methodology will help in understanding and retaining the content. To conclude, effective study skills not only widen and promote your intellectual faculties but also develop your personality for achieving all round success.

The End


Mark Pennington said...

An update on the SQ3R (with a better research base) is the easy-to-use PQRAR read-study method. Find this at PQRAR.

laxmi swetha2009 said...

plz write about the topic on darkness.why he/she fear of darkness 5.30pm to 6.30pm.jackson (music hero),sr.ntr(in andhra pradesh)like great people get fear when there see sunset.and rahaman (music hero in india ) gain success in darkness(he woks hard at night only why? and most students doesn't like studying at night only u see some people like noble people studying at night why?