Monday, March 30, 2009

Involvement of Emotions in Public Speaking - Prof.M.S.Rao

Any public speaking involves three dimensions such as perspiration, preparation and inspiration. It is necessary to do extensive research on the topic. Lot of energies and efforts are to be put in preparation of the content. Once content is well crafted, it requires basic ingredients and elements including emotions that would add value to public speaking.

When we look at public speaking, we recall the famous speeches of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago Conference, Winston Churchill during Second World War, Lincoln’s Gettysburg speech, Martin Luther King’s speeches and Pundit Nehru’s famous speech at the time of India’s independence. The speeches are famous and memorable even today because of the involvement of emotions. For any speech to be successful it is necessary to add emotions as it brings excitement among people.

Audience analysis is the first and foremost pre-requisite for effective public speaking. The profile, the maturity level, the geographical, cultural, linguistic and racial background of the audience will help the speaker to form a firm opinion about the needs of the audience. It helps in proper content preparation.

After assessing the audience analysis and preparing the content, the speaker has to prepare for the D-day. At the beginning of the speech, it is necessary to speak slowly as it helps in connecting with the audience easily. The speaker has to introduce himself, welcome the audience, introduce the topic briefly and proceed further. If possible, mugging up the introductory part helps in building self-confidence for the speaker. The speaker may also ask a thought provoking question to quickly connect with audience. Humor can also be used initially to break the ice and to quickly connect with audience. Besides, usage of technology can also help to create initial impact and impression among the audience.

Once the rapport has been built then it is time to focus on vocal inflexion. By lowering and raising the voice during public speaking, the audience will get energized and do not get into monotony. The content can be carried forward effectively by balancing three elements like body animation, vocal animation and facial animation. Body language plays a crucial role for successful public speaking. Right postures convey right signals to the audience. Wherever it is required, it is desirable to observe silence for a moment. It helps the audience to applaud and also helps them to anticipate the next content.

When the topic is coming to close, then it is the time to indicate through messages like ‘finally’, ‘in conclusion’ or ‘at the end’ to the audience. It brings the public speaking close to the end successfully. Finally, thank the audience at the end for their time and support.

In a nutshell, for a successful public speaking analyze your audience, prepare the content accordingly, introduce yourself confidently, deliver the content naturally, focus on content with emotions and summarize at the end.

The End

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