Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Synchronize Your Conscious Mind with Subconscious Mind for Success

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.” -Napoleon Hill

Human mind has two parts – conscious and subconscious mind. Both play a crucial role for functioning of human mind. The conscious mind is voluntary that you are aware and it goes by logic, analysis and reasoning. In contrast, the subconscious mind is involuntary. It is not known to you and you are unaware. It contains emotions, heart beat and breathing rate. When you look at your loved ones your emotions rise, heart beat increases. It happens due to your subconscious mind.

People with high emotions go by heart rather than the reasoning of mind. Especially when someone loves deeply, he does not go by any reasoning or logic. He just follows as he is emotionally attached with the opposite sex.

You can heal your disease through the power of your mind. It is your mind responsible for most of the illness. When you can conquer your mind then you can conquer your disease almost one-third.

Although subconscious mind is programmed from conscious mind, it is superior as it is the place for emotions and imagination. The motivational levels of people start from here only. Subconscious mind is like a magnet that immediately and instantly attracts the ideas that have emotional content. If you want to break your old habits you have to touch your subconscious mind first, then only it is easier to unlearn and learn. Unfortunately, most people fail to program their minds properly. The research from neuroscience reveals that subconscious mind controls 95 per cent of our daily activities.

People take decisions based on intuition and gut feeling which is nothing but taking decisions based on their subconscious mind. The conscious mind works with logic, analysis and perceptions. The subconscious mind is well framed and programmed from the inputs received from conscious mind. For instance, when someone hits a person, the latter immediately either defends or offends. It is basically because he reciprocates from his subconscious mind spontaneously. Simultaneously the conscious mind thinks of what to do next in given the situation.

During waking hours, the conscious mind works. While in sleeping hours, the subconscious mind comes to the fore. For instance, Susan was a housewife. She had the ability of instructing her subconscious mind when to wake up early in the morning. She never set clock but told herself firmly the time to get up. Her husband was so surprised over her programming the subconscious mind. She had the ability to influence her subconscious mind strongly. Susan was an alarm clock by herself. It indicates the power of subconscious mind.

When you learn new things your conscious mind will be fully alert. As the time passes, you get used to these things. That means your subconscious mind takes over in charge from your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like an autopilot.

The thoughts and the beliefs that you have in conscious mind will be transferred to subconscious mind automatically. For instance, if you sow right seeds in your conscious mind, you reap right plants in your subconscious mind. If you feed your mind with good thoughts that you can achieve anything and everything in your life, the same will go to your subconscious mind. In a nutshell, the conscious mind is the creator while the subconscious mind is the executor.

Susan and Ron:

“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” - Simone Weil

Ron and Susan worked in a same place. Susan was the senior most as she had been working in the company for the last 6 years. Ron was older to Susan with higher amount of experience in other companies. But he was the junior most in the organization. As per the organizational requirements, Ron had to work with Susan until he got grooved and groomed with in the system.

Ron initially hesitated with Susan who was younger but respected her intellectual and educational background and started working together. Susan was a polite and well mannered. She was bold and beautiful. She was a woman of principles and values. Ron began liking her behavior and worked together for six months. Ron began thinking deeply about Susan. He always took the positive aspects of Susan although a few commented that Susan was stubborn and a trouble maker for getting the things done. Since Ron was an independent thinker he began thinking of his own and started feeding positive information and inputs about Susan to his subconscious mind. Over a period of time, Ron began thinking deeply about her all the time and even in his dreams. Later on, Ron realized that he began loving Susan.

From the above story it becomes very clear about the importance of feeding subconscious mind with right inputs. If Ron fed wrong inputs about Susan in his subconscious mind, he would have developed hatred against her. Therefore, everything depends on how you think and how you program your subconscious mind. Never ignore the power of your subconscious mind.

Synchronize your Conscious and Subconscious Mind for Success:

“You are the most powerful magnet in the universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.” - Rhonda Byrne

Common people do not know the power of both conscious and subconscious mind. Only success people know the significance of both and leverage them. When there is right harmony between the both, there can be peace and success. When people feed themselves with negative thoughts, they end up with negative results. Rights inputs will lead to right outputs. When you program your mind with healthy and progressive thoughts regularly, over a period of time, you can achieve the desired changes in your life as your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like an obedient soldier who obeys the instructions from the conscious mind. It does not know the difference between good and bad. Whatever the orders passed by the conscious mind will be obeyed and executed. Therefore, make sure that your conscious mind gives the right orders to your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be compared with a vehicle which runs as per the directions of the driver. If your subconscious mind is a puppet then your conscious mind is the puppeteer. Therefore, learn to pull the strings effectively and efficiently for achieving all round success.

When teacher explains the subject repeatedly it goes deep within the subconscious mind of the students. Since subconscious mind does not go by logic and analysis, it goes purely by repetitive instructions. If students have to understand effectively then the teacher has to focus on key things repetitively. It is for these reasons; great speakers repeat the key ideas, points, and thoughts in different ways and means to get across the message.


You can be what you are if you can shape your subconscious mind through right commands from your conscious mind. Only with limited usage of our mind power we achieve many things. Imagine the amazing results when you can reap by using your mind fully. Do how many people put in their efforts to explore their mind power? It is only a few. Those who succeed in life are the people who know how to utilize their mind power fully.

Always dream big. When you dream big then imagination comes from your subconscious mind. When your dream is strong you will definitely achieve. Focus more on the strength of your dreams. When your strength of dreams is stronger then the reality of success would be sure and certain.

The End


Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind said...

"You can be what you are if you can shape your subconscious mind through right commands from your conscious mind."
Well put, that's the difficult part for most. It is said to be "childlike" to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Children have no problem creating because God is the human imagination!

Unknown said...

“Congratulations Professor M.S.Rao! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.”

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Unknown said...

“Congratulations Professor M.S.Rao! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.”

click here

Enlightenment Gateway said...

That is true. If we open up to a possibility that we can achieve anything and that is exploring our subconscious, then we have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Anonymous said...

This blog was very helpful for me. I hope you continue sharing such things with us. Thank you!